Wednesday, June 28, 2006

This must be the peak of my life. Is that a shallow thing to say? I have so much going for me right now, so much room to grow (and goof up), so much future staring at me. I'm overflowing with love for everyone - me, my wonderful family, this faraway place called Japan, my karate group, even sometimes my friends. Everything I do or see reminds me of next year. How funny, I'm going to Japan. I'm not the type that goes to Japan. I wonder if anyone really is "the type" or if we're all just regular people that somehow found this crazy opportunity. I guess I'll find out soon. 51 days and it still hasn't sunk in yet. I can't really imagine it as a real place. In my head, Japan is a mystical place where everyone speaks this fun language (and that's really all I think of the language, not as a real communication tool, but as something fun) and their eyes get all big like in the anime cartoons. And they all live in temples and pray to spirits. Haha, culture shock here we come! (I'm looking forward to culture shock even!)

I'm not going to college next year. Not really going to high school. I'm not going to have a job. I'm not going to be responsible for a class full of five year-olds. I'm going to Japan, where I'll not stress about school work, where I'll instantly be the center of attention, where I'll learn no matter what I do. Holy cow.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Aah!!! 55 days! I am so incredibly excited! I don't know how I'm possibly going to be able to wait a whole 55 days. Haha, I remember having this conversation with myself when I was like nine waiting for Christmas. Yes, this almost tops Christmas. Woo!

I had a sudden host family change for a reason unknown to me, but I'm not worried about that. My new family looks marvelous and the little girl will try to be Jennika's penpal, though neither of them can speak each other's language. This should be a blast!