Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Congrats to me

I've done pretty well for myself. All this time and I thought I screwed high school up, but really, I did just what I was supposed to. I made really great friends that I'll never forget. I didn't even realize that until I watched them all tonight in class and thought about what it would be like without me. It made me a little sad to think that life will go on very easily for them - and for me. But I don't think very many of us will ever be the same after this. These past six years has dented all of us - Scott and me and Tara and David and the Sensei's and the Hunts. I've learned so much from them, the least of it being martial arts. They taught me about loving myself and about how to be a friend and how to keep going when you really can't and even things like what to do when someone eight times your size is really mad at you. That lesson took a couple of learnings. It feels really great to know that I'll have what they gave me for a long time. Forever really. I think all this stuff they've equipped me with will follow me everywhere.

In other news, I just heard from my host club councelor (who has been absolutely amazing these past few months) in Japan that he will be picking me up and that his daughter will be "guiding" me the first couple of days. Then he will take me to Mt. Hiei in the outskirts of Kyoto and when I get back, I will stay with the Watada's, my host first host family. How cool is that? I feel incredibly lucky that so many people are going out of their way so that I'll have a really great year. I really haven't done anything for them, nothing to deserve all this anyways. I hope his daughter isn't TOO good at english, though considering how awesome his english is, I'm not getting my hopes up. I would like to learn Japanese as fast as possible. I will work really really hard to learn it, that's for sure.

So, I've seen the last of pretty much everyone. That's great because it means I'm pretty much on my way. That's not so great because I kind of like all those guys. I'll kind of miss them.


Anonymous said...

8:44 PM local time. 9:44 AM Kyoto time. You are somewhere over the ocean and almost half-way through your flight. Are you sleeping?? Are you reading?? Are you staring at the clock and watching the little blip on the screen that represents you as it seemingly doesn't move and are you thinking you'll NEVER land?!!!

The posse that will meet you are probably all calling each other about now and coordinating their schedules. I'm making sure my phone is charged and hooked up to a LOUD speaker so when you call, I'll hear it. I'm wondering what you're feeling and thinking.

Mostly, I'm literally feeling your excitement run through me. That's amazing. When you were little and someone picked on you, I literally felt your heartache and when you'd bang up your knee, I literally felt your pain. Now, I feel this excitement and curiosity and even a little bit of nervousness as you prepare for the ride home to Kyoto from Osaka.

Watch out Japan: here comes Heather!

With all my love.

Julie said...

Hey heather Ive been in japanland for a little over a week now and have mixed feelings about it. probably have a little too much culture shock right now. anyways can't wait to read about your adventures. have fun haha

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have a snail mail going out on Saturday. I am so excited for you. You are going to have the time of your life. I like your Mom are feeling some of your feelings. I can't wait for the letters about the stay. Love you so much G-ma