Monday, September 25, 2006

Buses and school uniforms

Okay, so it's my first night on the job. I'm fresh from the airport. Tired, but with enough adrenaline and excitement to keep me up for a week. I have been travelling for days (literally - gotta love those time zone transfers) and my clothes are sweaty and gross and, while I want to do is see the world, all I also want to do is sleep. I collapse on a chair and zone out while my host councelor babbles to his daughter. Finally he looks at me.
"Okay, take a bus," he says to me.
"Uhm, now?"
"Yes, now."
"A bus?"
"Yes, a bus."
"To where? By myself?"
"The house. Of course by yourself."
"A bus? To the house?"
"Yes, take a bus." I nearly burst into tears from fatigue. He wants me to take a bus! I'm so tired!
"Uhm, okay. I guess. A bus? To the house?"
"In the house."
"A bus in the house?! THat's awesome!"
"I'd better show you." And he takes me to the bath. A bath. The Japanese have a hard time pronouncing the "th" sound, I now know. Still, every time someone tells me to take a bus, I have to stop and think. Thankfully, I now know the word for "bath" in Japanese.

I got my winter uniform today. It includes a tie. Yeah, a tie. That's amazing. I don't even know how to tie a tie. My host mother was really surprised when I told her that. My uniform makes me look like Harry Potter. Seriously, except I'm like a girl.

I've been reading a lot since I got here. I have so much time and books are written in real english, with no confusion between busses and baths. I've read my first Robert Jordan book, "American Gods" and another book that I can't remember.

Dinner time. Dinner is huge, always. I can never eat as much as she cooks. I might marry Japanese food.


Anonymous said...

Good luck in all you do in Japan. So, will you have your home mother tie your tie for you?

Heather said...

she definitely tied it for me for like the first two weeks of school. Haha

Anonymous said...

If your tie comes loose or crooked, are you able to straighten it or re-tie it. Sometimes guys grab my tie and its all crooked or my collar gets twisted up. I'm not very good at tying my tie so it stays crooked most of the time. My mom dosn't like it when I come home from school with my tie loose or crooked or my collar sticking up. Girls shouldn't have to wear ties, anyway.

Anonymous said...

If your tie comes loose or crooked, are you able to straighten it or re-tie it? Sometimes guys grab my tie and its all crooked or my collar gets twisted up. I'm not very good at tying my tie so it stays crooked most of the time. My mom dosn't like it when I come home from school with my tie loose or crooked or my collar sticking up. Girls shouldn't have to wear ties, anyway.

Anonymous said...

That happened to me. My tie was crooked and my collar was sticking straight up on one side and I didn't even know it.