Saturday, April 14, 2007


So I went into a sushi bar today with my host family. It was pretty fun. I went with my host grandma, my, err, aunt, her husband, and their kid (who I'm completely in love with). Honokachan (the five year-old kid) was eager to go play in the back kids' room, but everyone was busy eating. So I went with her (actually, I secretly wanted to play in the kids' room too) and boy did it cause a ruckus. First, Honochan is a really shy little girl. The only reason she wanted me to go with her was because the idea of actually walking into a room of screaming kids, finding a playmate, and playing with all those unknown kids terrified her. So she brought me for moral support. When we were about to enter, she told me to go in first. And then she decided she didn't actually want to play, so we started heading back to the table. She decided she really did want to play and we went in together. At first, she was too shy to mingle with anyone, so we sat in a corner and played with some balls together. But the other kids noticed me right at once. Not only am I rather big kid, but I also have the telltale blonde hair and blue eyes, which I so often forget about. Suddenly, a swarm of kids surrounded us, all shouting "Hello! Hello! Hello!" Poor Honochan curled up with me and I tried to usher us outside the attention. Only the attention followed us. They all came up and introduced themselves to me proudly in English. Even the three and four year-olds got in on it. They asked me to say something in English. They asked me if Honokachan is my real sister. They asked me all sorts of things. Parents came to check on their kids and didn't go back to their tables, so we had parents crowding around the door (when we entered, their where no parents at all anywhere in sight). We went back to the table and waited until it was a little more quiet before we went back. When we left the restaurant, all the kids came up to us and shouted "Goobye! Goobye!" I think Honokachan was proud that I was with her and pleased when I excused myself from all of them to play with her, but not so happy with all the attention. I was sorry she was thrust into the spotlight.

Actually I really like this kid a lot. Besides being absolutely adorable, she's interesting and curious about the world. And she sneaks up and tickles my feet when I'm trying to type on the computer.

Toriaizu (that's my new favorite word. Not sure exactly what it means, but I hear it all the time. Nobody can tell me what it means, so I think it doesn't have a clear translation. My guess is something like "Anyways" or "to change the subject"), the new school year started and I've got a whole new set of classes, friends, and kendo-mates. I'm in advanced classes too, so there's pretty much no chance of keeping up. I'm in math, biology, history, Japanese (the Heather version, not the Japanese high schools student version), English, gymn, art, and calligraphy. And a few free periods to kill. The hardest is absolutely Japanese history. For one, I've never studied it. For two, it's in Japanese I've never heard before, and uses kanji I've never seen before. Nakai Sensei says I can drop it if it's too much. I might, but I'll give it a little time first. I'm only here for a few more months anyways. That's wierd.

Oh yeah (toriaizu), I got my departure date. For sure. August 7. Later than I expected, which I'm annoyed about, but otherwise don't care. That means I'll have about 20 days to come home, unpack, repack, and fly across the country to college. I wish I had at least a bit of time for reflexion, not to mention seeing all my friends and family again.

Aww, Honokachan prepared tea for me. I have to go and have a tea party.
Hope this posts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI!!!! my name is nicole and i am a outbound student from Canada (D6380-D2530) going to Fukushima, Japan. My dad found your blog and sent it to be to read. Please email em so we can talk! i want to know what it is like over there!! i still have not recieved a email regarding my host family, school or even town...i just know the prefecture...well my email is for wasting the little time you have on the interent!! ja mata!