Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Woooo! I did it!!

Guess what? Yeah, I made it all the way to school without having to retrace my steps or ask anyone for help! And I made it on time! Woo! You have no idea how proud I am of myself. I get lost every single time (except today) in this uber big station - Kyoto Station. And the signs are decieving. You can follow the signs just fine and you think you're doing great, and then, bam! They're gone and you're on your own. The only thing to do is turn around and try another fork and hope more reliable signs will magically appear any time. But I totally have it figured out now and can make it all the way there on time and by myself! Woooo!

In other news, it's been an entire month since my last karate class. That's 31 days. I think I might go insane. And my body is more desperate for karate now than it usually is. I use karate to sort all the crazy stuff out in my mind, and boy could I use that now.

Ohmygosh! Today I had my first calligraphy class. It was freaking amazing! The teacher gave me the name of my school ("Toba") to try and I totally bungled it up. But I'm not ashamed. It was my first try and I had absolutely no idea how to do it. He laughed and took it away. Instead, I pretty much spent the class practicing different kinds of strokes while everyone giggled at me. It was fun. At the end, we all bowed our heads and meditated for like a minute. Calligraphy is supposed to be a meditating activity! How amazing is that?!

Anyways, it's getting late (9:30 - if I was in America, I wouldn't have even gotten home from karate yet, much less started my homework, but here, I'm awefully tired really early) so I should go. It's great to be back online.


Anonymous said...

Hey Heather, It is I your g-ma I am so so so happy to hear all the great stuff. I have a letter to mail to you send me your address OK? Love you me

Anonymous said...

Hey chicka,

I'd send your address to the 'anonymous' grandma, but I don't know which one sent it! I suppose "g-ma" gives me a clue though.
Ah, brainstorm! I'll just mass email your address to all your grandmothers.
Love ya like buttah,

Heather said...

Like buttah? You love me like buttah? What does that mean?