Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Okay, so I just got back from the Otterbien orientation. That was fun, though not really anything super special. The best part was that everyone I met was going on an exchange. It was so exciting to be in a room full of kids just about to go all over the world. The energy was everywhere, zooming around the air. Ice breakers weren't the normal things like "So, what grade are you in? What school do you plan to go to?" They were "What country you headed to? What's your host family like? How long until you go?" And then, we actually got excited for each other. Excitment is so contageous, it was crazy being there. We all were already teeming with eagerness, but now we're about to bust.

We had a talent show, where everyone had to do something. I think that was a good idea just because we all had so much energy it was good to let it out productively - well, or something akin to productively. "Standing Akwardly" and an "Interpretave Haiku" were just some of the last minute acts put together, but it was probably the most amazing talent show ever.

Okay, so I'm going to Japan in 38 days. I am not anyone remarkable unless you're my parents. Academically, I'm no one special. Always short of what I need to get that scholarship or get any sort of recognition. I'm not super social, but I can't pass as a geek either. Despite my AP classes, scholarships, amazing college (!!), and my upcoming black belt, I got no recognition on Senior Awards Day. I've never stood out to anyone as someone great. I'm good. Fine. Slightly above average. Sam told me quite seriously that I'm a second rate person. I almost feel like this is my chance or at the very least my recognition. This is MY exchange, MY year. How I do will determine what people think of ME. I will be living with a family and going to school, not anyone else (well, kinda not anyone else...), and I will be an ambassador for the United States. Little old me. Sweet. Bring on the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Sam said you were a second-rate person, Sam is an idiot. Don't let it take up an iota of your memory space--you have one heck of an adventure coming up, and will have so much to remember that you can't bother with trying to retain an idiot's words.
And remember that form they gave you to fill out for senior recognition day?? Yeah, the one you didn't fill out??? Well, since all the "items to recognize" came off that form, how could they have known what to recognize you for??

How could they have known you were awarded a merit scholarship at Whitman without ever having even applied for financial aid?? How could they have known that other top-ranked highly-selectivve private colleges wanted you so badly that they awarded you full scholarships to their schools, even though you didn't pay their application fees or accept their offers of admission? How could they have known you qualified for the Promise Scholarship and a zillion others even here locally??
Silly girl. :)