Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yep, leaving the day after tomorrow. What do I have left to do? Uhm, what don't I have left to do is a better question. My room isn't packed yet! I keep packing but nothing is disappearing! It's like I'm running in place! How did I ever get so much stuff? Not quite sure. It seems that I've saved everything since I was five years old. Old McDonald's toys and birthday cards from ten years ago keep popping up. And what's the difference between "sentimental" and "junk"? And what in the world will I do with the "sentimental"? Keep them in boxes until I decide that they're really junk? Oh boy. What a mess.

My plane to Japan is huge. I'm talking enormous. It has two stories and ten seats in each row. I've never flown over the ocean before! Or in such a big plane! I love flying a lot, but I've never been in a plane for more than nine hours. Maybe I'll hate flying in three days (THREE!!!!!), but I can't imagine that happening. What will I do with myself for that long? Read of course and write probably and Mom says I should make sure I walk around so I don't get clots and die or something. I wish they had a dojo in the back of the plane and I could just work out for fifteen hours. That'd be awesome.

I hope I can bring deoderant on the plane.

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