Sunday, May 28, 2006

My Confession

Okay, time for a healthy dose of good ol' honesty. I'm running. It's a secret, even from myself sometimes, but it's true. I'm so sick of everything, of my family and of the people I've been around these past four years and of everything. Everything I read said running is a terrible idea and not an acceptable reason to go on an exchange, but here I am, leaving because I can't stand it here anymore. I love everyone still and I know going to Japan is a little extreme, but I'm so happy. I love learning about this place, love imagining myself actually there, really living normally. The language is exciting and refreshing and there's so much knowledge to aquire in such a small amount of time. It's like Heather Haven.


Anonymous said...

You're not exchanging to run away silly girl. You're partly hating it all to prepare yourself for going away and leaving it all, or that'd be my guess. Plus, we all get tired of a houseful of people now and again. Even mommies like quiet sometimes.
I'll miss you.

Heather said...

I love you for understanding. I love you for everything. I just love you.