Monday, October 30, 2006

Monkeys in the street

Today, they finally measured me for my kendo gear. Which means I'll have everything in a week, hopefully. I have two shinais, a nice case, a bag for my uniform, at least one uniform and who knows what else. I couldn't talk to the guy. Haha. I'm not paying for it either. Rotary is. Cool, eh?

I've already torn through a shinai, which I feel terrible about, but I think the one they gave me to use was really old anyways and nobody else was ever going to use it. Thankfully. They gave me a newer one and told me not be so hard on them. I better figure out how to not be so hard on them before I get my own. And I don't want to damage this one that I'm using.

I saw monkeys in the street the other day. I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world. My host family thought it was funny that I was so excited. I wanted to go out and interact with them. My host family said absolutely not. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

So there are monkeys in the street but no one interacts with them? Are they tame monkeys? Pets? Rabid wild monkeys? If they're too dangerous to interact with, why aren't they shipping them off to the wilderness?? Do American tourists interact with them (those tourists who don't have a host family to protect them)?

Just curious.

AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a card reader. :( I want to see monkeys standing next to you in your uniform. Or just monkeys. or just your uniform. or your sister. or your house. or school.

*sigh* now I'm sad.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading all the learn aikido information on your site. You can check out my learn aikido site if you like.

Anonymous said...

too cool i wish that could happen here but all we have are deer