Friday, January 19, 2007


I have to tell you the most amazing, adorable story I've ever heard. The subject of my host parent's relationship came up and Otoosan (Dad) told me that he's been in love with Okaasan (Mom) for a very long time. I asked how long and he told me that he wanted to marry her in high school, where they had met and were classmates since the age of 17. They showed me pictures of dates they went on as children. He told me how cute she was back when they were little and how completely in love they were. And then he gave me his goofy, sweet grin and told me nothing's changed a bit. I can't believe how adorable that is. I kept laughing and saying "Kawaaaaii!!" (Cuuute!) which they thought was a funny reaction. I can see it now too. I understand completely that they're still in love, just by watching them interact. They're so different that I'd have never have put them together theoretically. She's a line and he's a squiggle, and I mean that in the most respectful way possible. He comes up with briallant, fun, and creative ideas, and she puts them into practical use. He says outlandish, somewhat impulsive things like "I think I'd like to eat there tomorrow," (referring to a restaurant on the television) "We can't. It cost way too much money and the food is the same as what we could get here, or down the streets. But I can try and make that if you want, or we coudl go to the other one dow the street. Or you can wait a few weeks until payday and we can go then." It's so beautiful. She laughed when she showed me pictures of their first dates and told me she didn't remember getting old. She said because they saw each other every day, she never noticed that they weren't as young and charming as they used to be. It's absolutely beautiful. I hope I have a relationship just like their's when I grow up.

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